Das BAU Dental Hospital befindet sich im Herzen von Istanbul und verfügt über die neuesten digitalen Zahntechnologien, die es uns ermöglichen, die komplexesten chirurgischen Eingriffe durchzuführen und zu behandeln.
Unser Krankenhaus verfügt über eine Gesamtfläche von 15.000 m² mit 183 Behandlungseinheiten, 2 Räumen für allgemeine Anästhesie, 1 Sedierungseinheit, multidisziplinären Zahnkliniken und Labors für die Herstellung von Prothesen.
Ein Zahnimplantat ist die beste Option für jemanden, der auf der Suche nach festsitzenden...
Weiter lesenAll on 4 ist eine prothetische Technik, die eine vollständige Rehabilitation eines zahnlosen Kiefers...
Weiter lesenAll on 6 ist eine prothetische Technik, die eine vollständige Rehabilitation eines zahnlosen Kiefers...
Weiter lesenDie ästhetische Zahnmedizin macht vieles möglich. Beim Smile Design werden die Bedürfnisse und Gesichtsform...
Weiter lesenVeneers sind speziell hergestellte und zementierte winzige Schichten aus Keramik oder Kunstharz. Sie werden...
Weiter lesenWe were thrilled to have Silvia on her unique dental journey, and she’s excited to share her positive encounter with our state-of-the-art digital dental technologies.
We appreciate Silvia for choosing us to enhance her smile! 😁
To schedule an appointment, please contact us via:
E-mail: internationalpatient@dent.bau.edu.tr
WhatsApp: +90 531 886 73 82
#OralHealth #dentistry #dental #baudentalhospital #dentaltourism #healthysmile #HappyPatient #DentalCare #testimonial #healthtourism #health
Meriam’s dental journey with us was truly special, and we were so glad to have her with us. She’s eager to share her positive experience with our the latest digital dental technologies
Thank you, Meriam, for choosing us to care for your smile! 😁🦷
To schedule an appointment, please contact us via:
E-mail: internationalpatient@dent.bau.edu.tr
WhatsApp: +90 531 886 73 82
#OralHealth #dentistry #dental #baudentalhospital #dentaltourism #healthysmile #HappyPatient #DentalCare #testimonial #healthtourism #health
Taida’s dental journey with us was nothing short of extraordinary, and we were thrilled to have her in our hospital. She’s eager to share her positive experience with our International Patient Center Team.
Thank you, Taida, for trusting us with your smile! 😁🦷
To schedule an appointment, please contact us via:
E-mail: internationalpatient@dent.bau.edu.tr
WhatsApp: +90 531 886 73 82
#OralHealth #dentistry #dental #baudentalhospital #dentaltourism #healthysmile #HappyPatient #DentalCare #testimonial #healthtourism #healthysmile
Araz’s dental journey at Bahçeşehir University Dental Hospital has been truly remarkable. Hear what he has to say about his experience with us and the outstanding care he received.
Thank you, Araz, for trusting us with your dental health! 😁🦷
To schedule an appointment, please contact us via:
E-mail: internationalpatient@dent.bau.edu.tr
WhatsApp: +90 531 886 73 82
#OralHealth #dentistry #dental #baudentalhospital #dentaltourism #healthysmile #HappyPatient #DentalCare #Testimonial #HealthySmilesBeyondBorders
Assist Prof. Berkman Albayrak from Bahçeşehir University Dental Hospital, explains what dental bridges are and why we prefer to use dental bridges to restore our patients’ teeth.
Bahçeşehir University Dental Hospital provides world-class dental services. We offer our patients a privileged experience along with a personalized treatment plan. BAU Dental Hospital is located in the heart of Istanbul to provide “Healthy Smiles Beyond Borders.”
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
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