Assoc. Prof. Mağrur KAZAK

  • Doctorate: (1997)-(2003) Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Conservative Dental Treatment
  • Undergraduate: (1992)-(1997) Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry

  • Restorative Dentistry

  • (2020)- (STILL) Associate Professor Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Dentistry
  • (2019)-(2020) Assistant Professor Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Dentistry
  • (2017)-(2019) Bezmialem Vakif University Faculty of Dentistry
  • (2012)-(2016) Istanbul Aydin University Faculty of Dentistry
  • Assistant Professor: ISTANBUL AYDIN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF DENTISTRY (11.09.2012-05.12.2016)
  • Private Practice (2003-2012)

  • Eliguzeloglu Dalkilic, M. Kazak, D. Hisarbeyli, MA Fildisi, Nazmiye Donmez, HD Arisu. Can Fiber Application Affect the Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated Teeth Restored with Low Viscosity Bulk-Fill Composite? BioMed Research International. 2019, Article ID 3126931:1-7.
  • Eligüzeloğlu Dalkılıç, N. Dönmez, M. Kazak, B. Duç B, A. AslantaĢ. Microhardness and water solubility of composites with and without expired shelf life. International Journal of Artificial Organs. 2018 Jul 30:391398818790626.
  • Çolakoğlu, M. A. Elçin, E. Somtürk, Ş. Günal. Investigation of paramolar tubercles in Turkish population by Cone Beam Computed Tomography. International Journal of Morphology 2017; 35 (4) :1416-1421.
  • Öner Özdağ, M. Kazak. Color preference between adults and children during a dental treatment session. Physiology & Behavior 2017 Feb 1; 169: 165-168.
  • Benderli, K. Gökçe, M. Kazak. The Effect of APF Gel on the Micromorphology of Resin Modified Glass-ionomer Cements and Fluidized Compomers. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2005; 32(9): 669-675.
  • Çolakoğlu, M. Kazak, İ. Kaya Büyükbayram, MA. Elçin, E. Bedeloğlu. A Case with Multiple Dental Anomalies: A Variant of the Ekman-Westborg-Julian Trait. European Oral Research 2018; 52: 62-66.
  • Z. Koyuncuoğlu, M. Kazak, F. Pamuk, E. ÇifcibaĢı. Oral Hygiene Habits and Oral Health Status of Female Adolescents Under State Protection: A Pilot Study. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry 2017; 51(1) :1-7.
  • Öner Özdağ, M. Kazak, A. Çilingir, M. G. Subası, M. Tiryaki, ġ. Günal. Color stability of composites after short-term oral simulation: An in vitro study. Journal of Open Dentistry 2016; 10: 431-437.
  • Gökçe, Y. Benderli, M. Kazak. Effects of NaOCl or Combination of NaOCl and Various Acids on Dentin Surface Morphology. An SEM Study. Balkan Journal of Stomatology 2014; 18 :17-23.
  • Benderli, K. Gökçe, M. Kazak, T. Gürsoy. SEM Comparison of Acid-etching, ER, CR: SEM Comparison of YSGG Laser and Combined Treatment. Balkan Journal of Stomatology 2013; 17(2) :79-86.
  • Gürsoy, M. Kazak, K. Gökçe, Y. Benderli. Microleakage in Class I and Class V Resin Composite Restorations After Bur or Er,Cr:YSGG Laser Preparation. Journal of Oral Laser Applications 2003; 3: 229-233.
  • M. Tiryaki, E. Türkeş Başaran, Y. Benderli Gökçe. The Effects of Different Media Containing Hydrochloric Acid and Citric Acid on the Wear Amounts of Composite Resin Materials. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Restorative Dentistry Association November 30-December 2, 2018, Antalya (Oral Presentation).
  • Eligüzeloğlu Dalkılıç, M. Kazak, N. Dönmez, Z. C. Özduman, R. H. Özlen, M. A. Fildiş. The Effect of Polymerization Time and Household Bleaching Agent on Surface Roughness of Bulk-Fill Composites. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Restorative Dentistry Association 30 November-2 December 2018, Antalya (Oral Presentation).
  • Öztürk, M. Kazak, S. M. Üçok. Evaluation of Color Stability of CAD/CAM and Bulk Fill Resin Materials. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Restorative Dentistry Association November 30-December 2, 2018, Antalya (Oral Presentation).
  • B. Kaynar, E. Eligüzeloğlu Dalkılıç, G. Dönmez, N. Dönmez, M. Kazak, Fatma Koray. The Effect of Different Polymerization Times on the Microhardness and Intrapulpal Thermal Change of Glass Ionomer Cements. 22nd International Scientific Congress of the Association of Restorative Dentistry November 30-December 2, 2018, Antalya (Oral Presentation).
  • Oğlakci, M. Kazak, N. Dönmez, E. Eligüzeloğlu Dalkılıç. Investigation of Microseepage Values of Different Types of Bulk Fill Materials with X-Ray Micro Computed Tomography. 22nd International Scientific Congress of the Association of Restorative Dentistry November 30-December 2, 2018, Antalya (Oral Presentation).
  • Hisarbeyli, M. A. FildiĢi, E. Eligüzeloğlu Dalkılıç, M. Kazak, N. Dönmez, H. D. Arısu. Does Additional Fiber Application Affect the Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated Teeth Restored with Low Viscosity Bulk-Fill Composite? 22nd International Scientific Congress of the Association of Restorative Dentistry November 30-December 2, 2018, Antalya (Oral Presentation).
  • S. Köymen, R. Yurdan, K. Tekdemir, M. Kazak, N. Dönmez, E. Eligüzeloğlu Dalkılıç. Evaluation of Surface Hardness and Roughness Changes of Fluorine-Containing Restorative Materials after Thermal Aging. 22nd International Scientific Congress of the Association of Restorative Dentistry November 30-December 2, 2018, Antalya (Oral Presentation).
  • Dönmez, M. Kazak, Z. B. Kaynar, E. Eligüzeloğlu Dalkılıç. SEM Investigation of the Caries Affected Dentin and Composite Resin Interface after Different Caries Removal Methods. 22nd International Scientific Congress of the Association of Restorative Dentistry November 30-December 2, 2018, Antalya (Oral Presentation).
  • Benderli Gökçe, A. Bilir. Cytotoxic evaluation of various restorative materials. Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Dentistry, International Meandros Dentistry Congress Proceedings Booklet (Both Oral Presentation and Article), November 2325, 2018, Aydın.
  • Yurdan, M. Kazak, E. Eligüzeloğlu Dalkılıç, N. Dönmez. The effect of surface sealants on microleakage of bulk-fill and conventional composites after thermo-mechanical aging. 22nd International Congress of Aesthetic Dentistry (Oral Presentation), October 19-21, 2018, Istanbul.
  • Kazak, B. Oğlakçı, N. Dönmez, E. Eligüzeloğlu Dalkılıç, S. Karahan. Premolar cuspal deflection with dual-cure composites using different power-to-radiation ratios. FDI World Dental Congress September 5-8, 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Oral Presentation). International Dental Journal Volume 68, Issue S2, 106. FDI World Dental Congress Abstracts.
  • Oğlakci, M. Kazak, N. Dönmez, E. Eligüzeloğlu Dalkılıç. Cuspal deflection of premolar teeth restored using lined/unlined bulk-fill materials. FDI World Dental Congress September 5-8, 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Oral Presentation). International Dental Journal Volume 68, Issue S2, 106. Abstracts of FDI World Dental Congress.
  • Dönmez Kıran, N. Dönmez, M. Kazak, E. Eligüzeloğlu Dalkılıç, B. Oğlakçı. Effects of polishing methods on physical properties of nanohybrid composites. FDI World Dental Congress September 5-8, 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Oral Presentation). International Dental Journal Volume 68, Issue S2, 106. FDI World Dental Congress Abstracts.
  • B. Kaynar, M. Kazak, N. Dönmez, E. Eligüzeloğlu Dalkılıç, B. Oğlakçı. Effect of Chlorhexidine/Ethanol on bond strength of universal adhesives. FDI World Dental Congress September 5-8, 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Oral Presentation). International Dental Journal Volume 68, Issue S2, 106. FDI World Dental Congress Abstracts.
  • Kazak, B. Biltekin, Y. Benderli Gökçe, A. Bilir. Viability and Proliferation Status of 3T3 Cells Exposed to Bulkfill Composites: In vitro Study. IADR/PER General Session July 24-28, 2018, London, UK (Poster Presentation).
  • Aslantas, B. Düç, N. Dönmez, M. Kazak. Comparison of microhardness and water absorption of various composite resins. 23rd TDA International Dental Congress, September 21-24, 2017, Istanbul (Oral Presentation).
  • Dönmez, M. Kazak, B. Düç, A. Aslantaş. Investigation of the physical properties of composite materials with different usage dates. 23rd TDA International Dental Congress, September 21-24, 2017, Istanbul (Poster Presentation).
  • Ozturk, H. Guntan Erdemir, M.Kazak. A Polydiastema Closure with Composite Resin: An Interdisciplinary Approach. FDI World Dental Congress, August 29-September 1, 2017, Madrid, Spain (Poster Presentation).
  • Kazak, M. Tiryaki, E. Türkeş, Y. Benderli Gökçe. Evaluation of the wear effects of different beverages with daily consumption habits on composites. AIC 19th International Congress and Conseuro, May 11-13, 2017, Bologna, Italy (Poster Presentation).
  • Ozturk, M. Kazak. Unexpected patient behavior after a diastema closure procedure. 20th International Scientific Congress of the Association of Restorative Dentistry, October 27-28, 2016, Istanbul (Oral Presentation).
  • C.Z. Koyuncuoglu, N. Tezci, M. Kazak, M. Tunali, H. S. Meric. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) with xenograft in the treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects. CED-IADR 47th Meeting of the Continental European Section of the International Association for Dental Research, October 15-17, 2015, Antalya (Poster Presentation).
  • Kazak, G. Çolakoğlu, M. A. Elçin, E. Somtürk, Ş. Günal. Türk toplumunda paramolar tüberküllerin konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi ile incelenmesi. FDI Annual World Dental Congress, 22-28 Eylül 2015, Bangkok, Tayland (Sözlü Sunum).
  • Çilingir, MG. Subaşı, S. Zorlu, M. Kazak, D. Öner Özdaş, Ş. Günal. Color change and bond strength of composites after immersion in beverages. FDI Annual World Dental Congress, September 22-28, 2015, Bangkok, Thailand (Poster Presentation).
  • Kazakh. One-year follow-up of CAD-CAM Onlay Restorations: Three case reports. 23rd European Dental Materials Conference, August 27-28, 2015, Nuremberg, Germany (Poster Presentation)
  • Çilingir, MG. Subaşı, S. Zorlu, M. Kazak, D. Öner Özdaş, Ş. Günal. The effect of different solutions on the shear bond strength of repaired leucite ceramics. ConsEuro, May 14-16, 2015, England (Poster Presentation.
  • Kazak, D. Öner Özdaş. Color Perception between Adults and Children in a Dental Treatment Session. 92 nd General Session & Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), IADR Africa/ Middle East Regional Meeting, June 25-28, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa (Poster Presentation).
  • Z. Koyuncuoglu, M. Kazak, F. Pamuk. Oral Health Knowledge and Habits of Children Under State Protection. FDI Annual World Dental Congress August 28-31, 2013, Istanbul (Poster Presentation).
  • Kazak. Clinical Epidemiologic Analysis of Carabelli, Paramolar Tubercles in the Turkish Population. FDI Annual World Dental Congress August 28-31, 2013, Istanbul (Poster Presentation).
  • Kazak, Ş. Günal. Short Term Follow-up of Anterior Aesthetic Restorations. 5th International Congress of Adhesive Dentistry, June 14-15, 2013, USA (Poster Presentation).
  • Benderli, M. Kazak, K. Gökçe, T. Gürsoy, T. Seber. SEM Study on Enamel Conditioning with Er, Cr:YSGG Laser and Phosphoric Acid. International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Continental European Section, Scandinavian Section and Israel Section Joint Meeting, August 25-28, 2004, Istanbul (Poster Presentation).
  • Gökçe, Y. Benderli, M. Kazak. Effects of NaOCl or Combination of NaOCl and Various Acids on Dentin Surface Morphology. International Association for Dental Research (IADR) 81st General Session and Exhibition, June 25-28, 2003, Gothenburg, Sweden (Poster Presentation).
  • Gökçe, Y. Benderli, M. Kazak. Effects of NaOCl or Combination of NaOCl and Various Acids on Dentin Surface Morphology. International Association for Dental Research (IADR) 81st General Session and Exhibition, June 25-28, 2003, Gothenburg, Sweden (Poster Presentation).
  • Benderli, M. Kazak, K. Gökçe, T. Gürsoy. SEM Comparison of Acid-etching, Er, Cr:YSGG Laser and Combined Treatment on Dentin Surfaces. Joint Meeting of the British Division, Continental European Division of the IADR, September 25-28, 2002, Cardiff, Wales, England (Poster Presentation).
  • Gökçe, Y. Benderli, M. Kazak. The Effect of APF Gel on the Surface Micromorphology of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cements and Flowable Compomers under Different Conditions. 7th Congress of the Balkan Society of Stomatology, March 28-30, 2002, Kuşadası (Poster Presentation).
  • Kazak, Y. Benderli, N. Turan, F. Öncü, A. Bilir. Effects of Restorative Materials on L-Strain Cell Proliferation in Vitro. Journal of Dental Research Volume 80 Special Issue (IADR Abstracts) March 2001. IADR 79th General Session & Exhibition June 27-30, 2001, Chiba, Japan (Poster Presentation).
  • Kazak, Y. Benderli, N. Turan, O. Akçın, A. Bilir. In Vitro Evaluation of the Effect of Various Restorative Materials on FM3A Cell Proliferation. Turkish Dental Association 8th International Dental Congress, June 18-23, 2001, Istanbul (Poster Presentation).
  • Kazak. Evaluation of Carabelli's feature in a group of Turkish patients. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal 2018 ;21(3): 224-229.
  • Kazak. 24-month follow-up Cerec CAD-CAM ceramic overlay restorations: 3 case reports. Journal of Selcuk Dentistry. 2017, 4. 139-143.
  • Kazak, S. Ozturk. Unexpected behavior of the patient after diastema closure treatment. Journal of Selcuk Dentistry, 4 :89-93, 2017.
  • Kaya Büyükbayram, E. F. Cakan, M. Kazak. Chairside CEREC System CAD/CAM Materials. A review. Journal of Istanbul Aydin University Faculty of Dentistry, Vol: 2(3), Pages 47-54, 2016.
  • Kazak, S. Günal. Direct composite laminate veneer restorations of severely discolored and fractured maxillary non-vital central incisors: A case report. Journal of Atatürk University Faculty of Dentistry, Volume : 25, Issue : 3, Pages 390-394, 2015.
  • Kazak. Minimally invasive restoration of erosive lesions with direct composite laminate veneers: A case report. Journal of Istanbul Aydin University Faculty of Dentistry, Issue:1, Pages 25-30, 2015.
  • Kazak, Y. Benderli, T. Gürsoy. Comparative Evaluation of Laser and Fissure Sealant Applications in Fissure Areas in Terms of Microleakage. Journal of Hacettepe Faculty of Dentistry Volume : 25, Issue : 2, Page 8-13, 2001.
  • Kazak, Z. Kanyılmaz, H. İşsever, Y. Benderli. Evaluation of Young Individuals in the Age of Adolescence in terms of Oral and Dental Health. Journal of Hacettepe Faculty of Dentistry Volume: 24, Issue: 1, Page 2-9, 2000.
  • Ulukapi, Y. Benderli, M. Kazak, I. Ulukapi. Investigation of the Effect of 10% Carbamide Peroxide Applied to Amalgam and Composite Filled Teeth on Edge Leakage. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry Volume : 33, Issue : 1, 2, 3, 4 Pages 65-70, December 1999.
  • Kazak. Evaluation of Carabelli and Paramolar Features in Turkish Population. Department of Restorative Dental Therapy Meeting and Symposium October 26-28, 2013, Kayseri.
  • Z. Koyuncuoğlu, M. Kazak, F. Pamuk, E. Çiftcibaşı. Oral Health Knowledge and Practices of Children in Child Protection Institution. 43rd Scientific Congress of the Turkish Society of Periodontology, May 09-11, 2013, Izmir.
  • Kazak, Y. Benderli Gökçe, A. Bilir. Cytotoxic Evaluation of Various Restorative Materials. International Meandros Dentistry Congress, Full Paper. 2018 :1-6.
  • Kazak. Minimally Invasive Caries Removal Methods and Recent Innovations. Turkey Clinics of Dental Sciences Minimal Invasive Dentistry Special Issue ; 5(3) : 61-69, 2014

  • IADR
  • Restorative Dentistry Association
  • Turkish Dental Association
  • Istanbul Department of Dentistry

  • Y. Benderli, M. Kazak, K. Gökçe, T. Gürsoy. SEM Comparison of Acid-etching, Er, Cr: YSGG Laser and Combined Treatment on Dentin Surfaces. IADR British Section, Continental European Section Joint Meeting, September 25-28, 2002, Cardiff - Wales.
  • This study, which I presented as a poster at the congress, was awarded with IADR\ CED ''Travel Stipend 2002'' (travel scholarship for participation in the congress).