Teeth whitening is a treatment that provides bleaching of teeth that have darker color tones. The color of the teeth may darken over time for some reasons and this situation can be resolved with the whitening products applied by dental professionals. The whitening process (vital bleaching) applied to healthy teeth is performed in two different procedures, in-office type, and at-home type. Devital whitening treatment is performed on teeth that have undergone root canal treatment.

  • Patients who are 18 or over with healthy teeth and gum can have teeth whitening.
  • Patients who have darker color of teeth due to consumption of colored food and beverages, usage of cigarettes, and drugs, having root canal treatment, developmental tooth disorders, or aging.
  • Patients who are not allergic to whitening products.
  • In-office Bleaching: It is performed by mixing or light activating a special gel that is applied to the teeth after the gums are isolated with a protective barrier. The process takes 30-60 minutes depending on the material used. The procedure can be done in 2-3 sessions with 1-week intervals until the desired whiteness is achieved.
  • At-home Bleaching:This procedure is performed by the patient for a certain period of time at home. The whitening gels and night guards prepared by the dental professional are delivered to the patient, and the whitening process takes place at night during sleep (6-8 hours). The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.
  • Devital walking bleach (Intracoronal bleaching): In this treatment, which is applied to the teeth that have undergone root canal treatment, the dental professional applies a whitening agent inside the tooth and closes it with a temporary filling. The bleaching agent, which is kept for 3-7 days on average and then washed away, can be applied in 1-3 sessions depending on the lightening in the color tone.
  • Number of sessions: 1-3
  • It is necessary to stay away from tea, coffee, cigarettes, cola, red wine, acidic drinks and colored foods for about 2 days (ideally 7-10 days) after bleaching.
  • In order to preserve the whiteness of your teeth for a long time, you need to take care of your mouth, stay away from coloring foods and smoking.
  • After treatment, there may be hypersensitivity in the teeth, which can last for 1-2 weeks.
  • In cases where the color tone is very darker, there may be no change in tooth whiteness.
  • Teeth whitening is not suitable for patients with pregnancy or breastfeeding because it’s not clear whether the whitening products can affect the baby.
  • The colors of the laminate veneers, composite restorations, crowns, or bridges are not lightened with the teeth whitening treatment.
  • Not suitable for patients with tooth hypersensitivity.