Dental Crown

Dental crowns are caps that are affixed to broken teeth. When fillings are ineffective, crowns are utilized to protect, cover, and restore the contour of your teeth. Metals, porcelain, resin, and ceramics can all be used to create dental crowns. Usually, they only need frequent, good oral hygiene as special care over time.

  • Patients with severely damaged teeth (abrased, worn, cracked, severely decayed etc.)
  • Patients whose teeth cannot be restored by minimal treatments (eg. small cavities suitable for composite restorations)
  • Patients with tooth structure loss, crowding and/or discolored teeth.

  • The preparation of your existing teeth will take 1 to 4 hours according to the comprehension of the treatment.
  • The temporary restoration will be inserted after the preparation.
  • The prosthodontist will produce the crown within 2 to 7 days.
  • The crown preparation may cause irritation of your teeth, surrounding structures and the healing usually takes a few days. Patients may initially feel some sensitivity, discomfort or pain. However, these symptoms would decrease and disappear in a few days.The dental crown treatment requires more than one appointment. Thus, a temporary crown will be necessary to use between appointments for prevention of the tooth tissue and the health of gums.

How is the post-treatment aftercare period of a dental crown?

  • In normal circumstances, there would be no discomfort in the post-treatment period. If there are any sensitivity and/or pain in your teeth your dentist can recommend a suitable medication. You should attend to recall appointments.


• It’s common to have increased sensitivity to heat and cold.
• Crown breakage could result from teeth grinding or a hard impact.
• On average, dental crowns should remain in place for 5-15 years
• 8-year survival rates for dental crowns are 94% and 18-year survival rates are 75%, respectively.

• All-Ceramic Crowns: For patients who want their crown to completely match their natural teeth, all-ceramic crowns are a popular alternative. The color of contemporary porcelain crowns can be exactly matched to the patient’s teeth. The full thickness of all-ceramic crowns is constructed of ceramic. As a result, the crown might have a thicker layer of translucent porcelain, giving it a more natural-looking aspect that is glossy and shining.
• Zirconia Crowns: Zirconia crowns are sturdy, long-lasting, and durable. White ceramic in the form of zirconia is said to be the strongest material currently utilized in dentistry. Zirconia must be processed using particular computer programs, such as CAD (computer-aided design) or CAM, due to its extreme hardness (computer-aided manufacturing). The final tint and contour of the tooth can be achieved by layering porcelain over zirconia crowns. Zirconia crowns are popular among dentists and patients due to their durability. Additionally, the human body tolerates zirconia well.
• Ceramic-Metal Crowns: A metal substructure is covered with a layer of ceramic to create ceramic-metal crowns. This kind of hybrid crown can deliver both a solid, long-lasting solution and outcomes that look natural. Although ceramic-metal crowns have steadily declined in popularity over the past several years, they are nevertheless extensively utilized because of their toughness. This type of crowns are also known as porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM).

For at least 3 days after surgery, patients should refrain from drinking hot drinks like coffee and tea because they may cause sensitivity. Patients can consume cold soup without vegetables that are crunchy, such carrots.
In order for the crown to fully set, hard foods and chewing gum should be avoided. It is suggested to eat simple foods like pasta, bananas, and applesauce…